Press release: 12 European companies and research labs join forces to boost industrial quantum computing applications
The NEASQC project will investigate a large selection of NISQ-compatible industrial and financial use-cases and develop open source NISQ programming libraries for those use cases, so as to facilitate quantum computing experimentation for new users.
NEASQC brings together highly skilled and motivated academic experts and industrial end users, who will work together on the selected use cases. Each use case is endorsed by an industrial partner, and is investigated by an integrated team of at least one industrial company and one academic organisation.
The Quantum Flagship is one of the most ambitious long-term research and innovation initiatives of the European Commission. It aims to consolidate and expand European scientific leadership and excellence in this research area, and to kick-start a competitive European industry in Quantum Technologies
This group of use cases addresses a wide variety of industries, such as energy, oil & gas and finance. They have one thing in common: some of their activities can benefit from Quantum-enhanced machine learning and optimization methods.
The goal of this work package is to bridge the gap between the recent proof-of-concept quantum chemical computations on NISQ processors and actual, industrial-scale quantum chemistry problems. To this aim, we will create software tools to integrate classical quantum chemical codes with quantum computing (QC) modules.
These use cases provided by a wide variety of sectors (linguistics, oncology, energy) all aim to develop methods and implementations in the areas of artificial intelligence and graph algorithmics
NEASQC member Vicente Moret-Bonillo from University of A Coruna chaired the session “Technologies for a world 5.0” on 18 November, and presented an overview of the NEASQC project.
As part of the Quantum Technologies Use Cases session, Marc Porcheron, EDF, presented “Smartcharging of electrical vehicles”, one of the NEASQC uses cases.
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